Cold Plate Loop

A cold plate is a component that dissipates and spreads heat within a copper plate and transfers heat through a liquid loop to a cooling device, such as a radiator for closed-loop systems or a CDU for open-loop systems.

Delta utilizes microchannel technology in the copper heat-spreading base to efficiently dissipate heat from high-power components. Delta offers a range of cold plates designed for system power components, including CPUs, GPUs, DIMMs, and chips.

Furthermore, Delta has the capability to design and provide customized cold plates based on customers' specific requirements.A cold plate is a component that dissipates and spreads heat within a copper plate and transfers heat through a liquid loop to a cooling device, such as a radiator for closed-loop systems or a CDU for open-loop systems.

Delta utilizes microchannel technology in the copper heat-spreading base to efficiently dissipate heat from high-power components. Delta offers a range of cold plates designed for system power components, including CPUs, GPUs, DIMMs, and chips.

Furthermore, Delta has the capability to design and provide customized cold plates based on customers' specific requirements.

Close Loop Solution

In Delta close loop solution, the liquid is pumped by Delta's pump to radiator to dissipate the component power.
The benefit of close loop solution is that there is no need for CDU and self-looped without any maintenance so customer can build up liquid cooling solution easily.

The key component- pump, in Delta close loop solution is owned by Delta for reliability. It is designed and manufactured by Delta leveraged with Delta fan's long-time experience.

Open Loop Solution

The open loop solution is more efficient than close loop because heat is transported by liquid to cool in CDU.
Delta has various cold plate for system power component like CPU, GPU, DIMMs and chips.

Delta can design and offer customizable cold plate by customer request.