What are the tips for constructing historical trend graphs or exporting record variables in the DIAView SCADA system (as shown in Image 1)?

When selecting a query time range to filter record variable data, it's important to take note of the limitations on the query time intervals (See Image 2). For instance, when querying record variable data from the nearest month, the query time interval should be set to at least 1 minute. As shown in Image 3, within the past month, data can be filtered at intervals of 1 minute or 30 minutes. Options for 1 second and 30 days (displayed in gray) cannot be selected.
▲Image 1: Querying Record Variable

▲Image 2: Limitations on Query Time Interval

▲Image 3. When querying record variables from the nearest month, the query time interval should be set to 1 minute or above.