How do I use DIAEnergie to set up SMTP for sending email?

DIAEnergie supports the Gmail system. If you do not yet have a Gmail account, please create one first and log in to continue with the following steps.

A.    Configuring Gmail security settings

1.    Log into Gmail, click on the gear image and select Settings


2.    Select Forwarding and POP/IMAP > IMAP access > Enable IMAP. Scroll down to the bottom and select Save Changes.

3.    Select the account icon on the upper right corner, and select Google Account.

4.    Select Security > 2-Step Verification > Off

5.    Scroll down to Less secure app access > On

B.    Configuring DIAEnergie SMTP

1.    Please follow the path for configuration: System Setting > Server Setting > SMTP Setting
Server Name:
Account: google account
Password: google account password
Port: 587
Email: sender

2.    Equipment Disconnection Alarm can be sent as follows