I stopped the Delta Articulated Robot DRV Series by pressing the emergency stop button and then released the button when it was Servo off. However, it won’t reset with the Alarm Reset. Do I need to shut it down and restart?

1. When the robot is operating normally and emergency is triggered, it will consider function, hardware, and wiring normal. If the Alarm Reset does not work in this case, perhaps the emergency stop button is not type 2B. Please check the Safety connector, and make sure you have reset both pins 1 and 2 and pins 3 and 4 for the Alarm Reset. For example, if pin 1 and 2 are triggered to stop and then reset, pin 3 and 4 need to do the same for Alarm Reset. However, if pin 3 and 4 remain short-circuited, errors will appear.

2. Pins 5 and 6 and pins 7 and 8 are for area sensors. Please refer to point one.

3. If the E?013 error code appears after a power reset of the controller, please check the Safety connector and make sure pins 1 and 2, pins 3 and 4, and pins 7 and 8 are short-circuited to avoid triggering the alarm or emergency stop.