
Seeking Smart Manufacturing Talents: 75 Int'l Teams Compete in the 5th Delta Cup Finals in Wujiang, China

The 5th Delta Advanced Automation Contest finals, also known as the 5th Delta Cup, will take place at Delta's Wujiang Plant, China, in July. With the theme “Seeking Smart Manufacturing Talents”, the contest recruited a total of 75 teams of college and university students from around the world including Mainland China, Taiwan, Thailand, India and Vietnam. During online preliminaries, the teams' proposals were thoroughly evaluated by the judging committee for product knowledge and creativity used in building innovative and applicable smart manufacturing solutions.

Wenjian Lee, coordinator of the 5th Delta Cup judging committee, said, “This year the proposals from each team were diverse, and attracted the judges' attention with their abundant applications, including photovoltaic power generation, cubic parking system, water supply management, railways, and more. The participating students were highly creative in their applications. In addition, compared to past Delta Cup events, the proposals this year reveal higher technical standards, innovation, and potential, and involve artificial intelligence, cloud technology and Internet of Things. Starting from the beginning of this year, the judging committee reviewed each team's proposal and concept, and selected the final 75 teams based on the quality of innovation, applications and depth of concept. We believe all of the recruited team projects this year will demonstrate excellence at the final competition.”

During the period of online preliminaries this year, the judging committee evaluated participating proposals based on the application and creativity applied in a topic of the team's choice, such as smart machines, smart robots, or smart production lines. The announcement of team selection was released in mid-May. The selected teams included 60 teams from Mainland China, 7 teams, from Taiwan, 3 teams from Thailand, 3 Teams from India, and 2 teams from Vietnam. The teams will showcase their demonstration kits and proposals, and will be prepared for critiques and debates from the judging committee, which is comprised of professionals from enterprises, government, and universities that will determine the winners of the 5th Delta Cup.

Please visit the Official website of the 5th Delta Advanced Automation Final Contest for more information:


News Source:IABG Marcom