
Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. Attains Excellence in Corporate Governance Score

October 17, 2017 - Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. has attained the score of “Excellent” for Corporate Governance (CG) score which is reported on The Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD) Corporate Governance Report (CGR), with support from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET).

Based on the assessment system of the National Committee on Corporate Governance, among 620 assessed companies, Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. is one of the 110 companies (18%) which has scored 90 percent or above–corresponding to the “Excellent” level. 226 companies (36%) had an average score ranging from 80 to 89 percent which are classified as “Very Good”; and 171 companies (28%) earned the “Good” level of recognition by having an average score ranging from 70 to 79 percent.

The different scores are denoted by the number of National Corporate Governance Committee Logo, ranging from one to five, and none for those scoring lower than 50 percent. IOD also recognizes the Top Quartile Companies in different groups by market capitalization. The list of companies achieving good CG scores will be highly publicized by SET and IOD on relevant events and publications for investors. Such visibility and recognition will provide good publicity for the companies.

The details for the CG score can be found on IOD's CGR (http://www.thai-iod.com) and the categories assessed include the rights of shareholders, equal treatment to shareholders, roles of stakeholders, information disclosure and transparency and the Board of Director's competency. This achievement reflects Delta's efforts in delivering high values to its stakeholders through sustainable and ethical business practices; in addition to transparency and active leadership role from the board of directors.

News Source:Delta Electronics (Thailand)