
The Damon streetlight series is known for a distinctive square design that exudes stability and refinement. With three sizes (Mini, Small, and Medium) and five programmable power options (30W to 200W), users can tailor these lights to their specific needs, ensuring optimal illumination. Additionally, the Damon Series is environmentally-friendly, with 90% of its components being recyclable, making it an excellent choice for customers focused on sustainability.

Product Introduction

Features & Benefits
  • Long LED lifespan of up to 50,000 hours
  • Modular design with high-power LEDs and a special passive cooling system
  • Aligns with the market trend of external power supply recommended by the Ministry of Economic Affairs' Energy Bureau
  • External power supply design ensures easy maintenance, making it suitable for extended warranty conditions
  • Allows for customizable product color temperature and optical modules to suit specific needs